Sports in Barcelona : Let's try something new!
Are you looking for some different
sports in Barcelona? Dark room ... electro music ... and ... sweating people ... What am I talking about? Razzmatazz or Catwalk? No, not any of those or other clubs in Barcelona. I am talking about La Sala Magali - in other words a new way to work out in Barcelona! Strict trainer and (just) 30 minutes of INTENSIVE training! If you are tired of running in Citaudella Park, swimming or just a gym and you are open to try new things - you shouldn't stop reading.

My co-worker Sarit told me about her addictions, which is besides coffee also La Sala Magali! She has been a member of La Sala Magali for over a year and she loves it! Sarit also told me about the trainers and how even an easy class can still feel like being in army sometimes... It was like a bell going off in my head - I HAVE TO TRY IT!

We went there! I was pretty nervous, mainly because Sarit told me about the trainers. I could feel an energy from people even before the lesson! Everybody was on time! (Wooow, I was thinking, am I still in Spain? :) ). Everyone was so highly motivated and I felt like I was in the middle of a pack of Jack Russell Terriers! Seriously! :D

"Located in the heart of Barcelona, the Sala is a space designed with a very New York spirit, inspired by the monasteries inhabited by the Shaolin monks, who live with minimal comfort and train daily."
We went to the dark room - just mirrors, me and other 15 people and ... trainer Catherine! She was very sweet to me because she knew I was a newbie. Anyway, she wasn't so sweet to others, sometimes I could hear shouting in Spanish or English, so I knew I better n0t stop although I was practically dying from the beginning of the class! Catherine walked between people so she could also show us how to work out properly!

After 30 minutes (it seemed to me like 10 minutes) I felt like I wouldn't even make it to metro station :D But I mean, I felt GREAT! I have never had such an intensive workout in such a short time. The concept is just awesome! They have different
types of training sessions, so everybody can choose the level and people are very cool and friendly! At least, go to try it, it's worthy experience! ;) Check their website
Do you know about other unusual work out/
sports in Barcelona?? Give us feedback in comments below! Cu there! :)
~ Ivet