Villa Olimpica Barcelona (often misspelled as Villa Olympica) is one of the newest neighborhoods in BCN! It was originally built for the 15000 competitors of the 1992 olympics games. Check out the great seafood restaurants, the proximity to the beach, and the architectural highlights of Villa Olimpica. For more information check SuiteLife’s Neighbourhood Guide to learn more about Villa Olimpica and all the other amazing Barcelona neighbourhoods.

Neighbourhood Guide: Villa Olimpica Barcelona

Villa Olimpica Barcelona (often misspelled as Villa Olympica) is one of the newest neighborhoods in BCN! It was originally built for the 15000 competitors of the 1992 olympics games. Check out the great seafood restaurants, the proximity to the beach, and the architectural highlights of Villa Olimpica. For more information check SuiteLife’s Neighbourhood Guide to learn more about Villa Olimpica and all the other amazing Barcelona neighbourhoods.

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