Easter Weekend in Barcelona 2018 - The Ultimate Guide!
Despite not being quite as religion-centred as it used to be, Spain is still one of the most Catholic countries in Europe and the Easter weekend is full of brilliant celebrations and parades to enjoy.
Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays but lots of Spaniards take the whole 'Semana Santa' (Holy Week) off work and decide to get out of the city to visit family or see parades in other towns.
This leads to a kind of mass exodus called 'operación salida' (operation exit), with up to half a million cars hitting the roads and getting out of the city during the week!

What To See
Most of the parades take place on Good Friday and are run by various religious groups.
They tend to centre around Barcelona Cathedral which is in the heart of the Gothic Quarter.
Good Friday 2018 - Iglesia de San Agustín
Processions by Hermandad del Gran Poder y la Esperanza Macarena
Paso Cristo: Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder
Paso de Palio: María Santísima de la Esperanza Macarena
Start: 17.00 Iglesia de San Agustín,
Plaça Sant Agustí, 2, Raval area. At 20:00 both processions join the procession of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias in front of Barcelona cathedral
Finish: around 22.30 same place
Procession route: Plaça Sant Agustí, La Rambla, Santa Ana, Portal del Ángel, Arcs, Plaza Nova, Avenida Catedral, Boters, Pi, Plaza del Pi, Cardenal Casañas, Boqueria, Hospital and Plaça Sant Agustí
Good Friday 2018 - Iglesia de Sant Jaume
Procession by Hermanidad y Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias
Paso: Nuestra Señora de las Angustias - Our Lady of Sorrows
Start: 19:00 Iglesia de Sant Jaume in Gothic area on
Carrer de Ferran 28. At 20:00 they meet in front of Barcelona cathedral with the procession of la Hermandad de la Macarena
Finish: 23:00 at Iglesia de Sant Jaume
Procession route: Iglesia de Sant Jaume, Ferrán, Plaza San Jaime, Bisbe, Avenida de la Catedral, Boters, Portaferrissa, Ramblas and Ferrán, Iglesia de Sant Jaume
Good Friday 2018 - Santa Maria del Mar
Procession at Santa Maria del Mar basilica
Start: 09:30 Via Crucis procession - Procession of Stations of the Cross.
Procession route: Santa Maria del Mar, Fossar de les moreres, Pg del Born, Carrer del Rec, Carrer Bonaire, Carrer Rere palau, Marques argentera, Pla de Palau, carrer Espaseria and finish as Santa Maria del Mar
Good Friday 2018 - Barcelona Cathedral
Service and procession at Barcelona Cathedral
Start: 15:00 Sermó de les Set Paraules.
The Bearers of the Holy Christ of Lepanto bring the Holy Christ to the front of the Cathedral to be adored by the faithful at 15:00 on Good Friday.
A Canon reads the Sermon of the Seven Words, discussing the last seven words said by Jesus before his death
Start: 18:30 Via Crucis procession on Avinguda de la Catedral
Procession of Stations of the Cross on the Avinguda de la Catedral
Procession route: On Avinguda de la Catedral
Hope that helps! Let us know what you get up to
- Erin