Barcelona bars is a topic that can be discussed and reviewed ad nauseum, but where the conversation gets truly interesting is within the mysterious and exciting niche of Secret
Barcelona bars. Is your interest piqued yet? Keep reading... We'll tell you about some here but, shhhhhhh, it's a secret for a reason!
Secret Barcelona Bars: An Unforgettable Time for Those in the Know
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Knock knock... Herro?[/caption]
All of the legal Barcelona
bars that are not clubs or discotheques close at 3 a.m. So if you find 3am fast approaching and you're not quite ready to call it a night your only option is to go to a
club. This has happened to me many times. I just felt like chatting and drinking with my friends until the sun rose and I could safely stumble home on the famous 'walk of shame'. Sometimes you just don't feel like going to a throbbing sweaty nightclub. I was psyched to find out that there are some
Secret Barcelona bars that open their doors just after 3 a.m. to entertain you until the after hours clubs open at 7am, or until you can't see straight, whichever might come first.
When you don´t feel like going to bed…
El Mariachi
Carrer Dels Còdols 14
In the heart of the
Gótico there is one a the
secret Barcelona bars with great cocktails and vermouth. If you're lucky you can enjoy an improvised Manu Chao concert, as it's his favorite bar. So don't miss this relaxing and fun atmosphere when you are around. From the front it looks like a normal shop. Just step in and pass to the back. Try Hydro-Miel, the house specialty mixed with honey.
The complete blog about El Mariachi Bar

The Papillon
Carrer de la Neu de Sant Cugat
The Papillon is very difficult to find and don´t ask me why. Maybe it's because of its location on a tiny dark hidden street or possibly because it doesn't open until 4 a.m. when no one´s really fresh (read: sober) enough to remember the way to this bar. It´s the latest opening bar in
El Born neighborhood so be prepared for the high prices and crowds (who said
secret Barcelona bars drinking would be cheap?). The Papillon is definitely there for those who want to continue party in a rebellious way when most people are at home snoring.
You can get there from c/ Princesa, turning onto c/ Assaonaders and then off to the dimly lit c/ Neu de Sant Cugat. Look for the metal doorway with graffiti, and you've found it.
El Armario
Carrer de Riereta
El Raval is the part of the city that is the most densely populated with
secret Barcelona bars, often opened up by squatters who have taken up residence in the empty buildings. There is one bar called El Armario (The Wardrobe) that is a hole in the wall and you literally have to enter through the owner´s closet (how odd and cool is that?!). The only problem is that it depends on the owner´s mood whether he will open the bar or not. So far I haven't had any luck but I won´t lose hope and I firmly believe that once I enter the wardrobe of miracles it will all be worth it. Have any of you been to el Armario? Shed some light for us in the comments!
Pipa Social Club
Plaza Reial 3
The best known “secret” bar. Pipa is a very elegant flat of six rooms with a bar and pool. It used to be a smoking club and it kept its dark brown decoration from around the 19th century. Again, a bit pricey (4€ for a beer) but a nice experience when you are in Barcelona and a last beer point when the night is still not over. Honestly, this one's not much of a 'secret', but if you have guests visiting that you want to impress or just need a beer at 4am, this is your spot. You have to ring the doorbell downstairs and they will buzz you up.

Secret Barcelona Restaurants: A Surprising Urban Secret…
These two completely
hidden restaurants in Barcelona are the perfect choice to bring anyone to who you'd like to give a pleasant surprise to (girlfriend, parents, your Aunt Bunny...). The quality of the dining is very high and the look on your completely surprised friend's face after you pass through a laundry mat into a stunning restaurant will be priceless!
Tintoreria Dontell
I passed this dry cleaners every day for two months and never realised, that there was something just a little off with the place. There are jackets hanging, waiting for their owners, washing detergents on the floor, the price of complete service on the front door says "Oferta especial del mediodía: camiseta, pantalón y corbata 20€" (special offer for lunchtime - shirt, trousers and a tie 20€). I never realised how strange it is that dry cleaners would have a lunchtime offer. And than a friend told me the secret and everything started to make sence. Behind this "normal" dry cleaners, there is a very fancy restaurant that you just should not miss. It´s pricey, but definitely worth it. To make a reservation visit their
facebook page and give them a call. Also checkout our full review of
The Secret Barcelona Restaurant Tintoria Dontell.

Souvenirs Chi Ton
This place is very similar to Dontell. It´s just on
Passeig de Gracia and looks like a souvenir store with some Sevilla dresses and dolls. But in the store there is an elevator that brings you to a glamourous restaurant underneath the store.

What's behind the door?
There are a few bars or restaurants that are hidden within another restaurant, so they are super clandestine. Here you'll feel hidden from the rest of the world. One of these restaurants that deserves to be in this blog is called Speakeasy.
Behind the great cocktail club Dry Martini on c/Aribau 162 there is a restaurant that looks just like an American bar from the prohibition period.

The real private club
All the places that I have described are more or less possible to find and easy to enter. The last bar is something else. It' s the highest league of
secret Barcelona bars or clandestino restaurants.
This bar is said to be in the same building as Bar Mut, which you can find on Calle Pau Claris, 192. To get to this bar, you need to be invited by someone, who is already a "member". Very exclusive, and very expensive. There was some gossip that Shakira was not allowed to enter, because she arrived without an invitation of a member.
This is not enough? Check out our last
cheap secret bar in Barcelona: The Antic Teatre!
Well, this place is on my bucketlist. Do you know of any great
Barcelona secret bars or restaurants not mentioned here? Let us know.