Hello Hola Bonjour Howdy Suitelifers,
Let's be honest with ourselves, our day to day routines are dominated by our phones. You're probably reading this off your phone as we speak!
Everything we do and everything we say in the present day revolves around our smartphones. Now I ain't saying it's a bad thing, in fact I believe our phones can enhance and improve our experiences. That is why I am creating this blog to tell you the must need
Barcelona Apps!
Because I'm nice like that and I care for my readers.
Well enough about how considerate and great a guy I am, let's get started! We'll count down the best apps you can download for FREE... Yes you heard right FREEEEEEE!

HostelWorld is brilliant for all you backpackers out there, I personally used this app throughout Europe, not only in Barcelona, but when I first arrived here it was certainly a one of my must need
Barcelona Apps! If you're anything like me which is spontaneous (or as others would say 'Lazy') and you don't really plan where you're going to stay and just go with the flow then HostelWorld is the ideal app for you. This app helps filter through hundreds of hostels in the local area and will help you find the perfect hostel for you. Before I downloaded this app I went to a completely unknown hostel and my first night consisted of a guy vomiting next to my bed ...... Wasn't the greatest night I'll be honest but this can be avoided. So stop being 'Lazy' just download the app and let Hostelworld do all the research for you. Then again if you're not like me and plan well ahead and book your hostels well in advance then this app is pretty useless to you. But hey it's still worth having on your phone if you want to post some feedback on how the guy next to you vomited all night ........ if you ever read that comment anywhere it is most likely my comment. Stay away from that hostel!!!!

Tripadvisor is one of those apps where everybody has done all the hard work for you and one that comes in handy over and over, which is why this is one of my must need
Barcelona Apps!! I know the saying you should try something new but my saying is 'Why risk wasting money and time??' there's only so many times you can try new things out and well if they don't turn out great then it can sour your experience.
Sometimes we just need to be told where to go right, let the people before us test out all the bad restaurants and attractions and let us enjoy and bask in their positive experiences. On one particular occasion it proved vital as a restaurant which looked really good from the outside, however, many people wrote really awful things about this restaurant about its service and food ... so bullet was dodged thanks to Tripadvisor!!!

And at number 5 ... Couchsurfing. Whenever I recommend this app to anybody they give me this weird look, but let me ensure you this app isn't just about sharing your flat to a stranger. Yes okay essentially the app was created so that people passing by a certain country or city could sleep for a night at someones house. However don't be creeped out, the feature I want to highlight is the events section. This is a really cool column that shows upcoming events and activities around your area. What makes this special is that these events tend to be organised by regular people and not organisations therefore you can't really find these cool secretive events elsewhere. I admit I check this like every week as there is always something that appeals to me. Whether its weekly meet ups, sports events, gigs or just random night outs this is one of my must need
Barcelona Apps!!

Pindesk is not a common app that everyone would have but it is certainly one that they should. Why, you ask? Well that's a great question, let me explain. If you're anything like me and get lost on numerous occasions, even getting to the simplest of places in Barcelona can be a struggle. However, you tend to find the best places to go and visit when you get lost, whether its a nice little cafe or some shop you have been desperately searching for but don't have your wallet on you. This app enables you to pinpoint these certain locations so you can visit them after. This type social bookmarking is a great way to find really cool places that aren't mainstream, places that will for sure be something not many people would know about, don't you just love exclusive hidden places like this? Well if thats the case this is a one of the must have
Barcelona Apps!! Don't worry if you're not the type that goes out exploring because Pindrop has kindly integrated with social media so if you know anybody else in Barcelona most likely they'll help you stumble across a cool spot! I personally Pindropped my own flat ..... because I'm cool like that you see!
Okay guys we are into my top 3 apps! This is worth waiting for!

I am pretty sure you guys already have this ... Do I really need to explain this app ????
Oh what the hell, for the 1% who hasn't downloaded this app THIS IS FOR YOU! Google Maps is certainly one of the most popular
Barcelona Apps!! Well what else can I say except DOWNLOAD THIS APP!! It just makes life 10x easier. Everything is so simple and easy to use. Perfect for Barcelona, since I have downloaded this app I haven't been worried about getting lost .... unless my battery runs out then I'll be crying. Otherwise this app is ideal for anybody who is new to Barcelona as it makes traveling just so soooo much easier. I'm not sure if I could sell this anymore in all honesty. If you got it great if you don't ... most likely your probably lost somewhere as we speak.
We are down to the last two !!!! Can you guess the next app ???

Did you guess right?? If you did give yourself a pat on the back!!
Number 2 is City Mapper, similar to Google Maps but does things Google Maps cant. This app is fantastic for those who are traveling from A - B if it requires transport. This app is designed to help you find the quickest and easiest way to get from one destination to another. Finding you every possible route from walking,metro,bus,train even SUBMARINE!!! ....okay maybe not the last one (unless you live in Atlantis) but the rest are true.
This came in so handy when I first came to Barcelona as it showed me exactly what transport I needed, when I have to get off and all the information in between. A real life saver in some situations especially if your running late for work ..... which never happens to me. Anyways this is a deserved number 2 App and one I can not stress enough that this is one of the must need
Barcelona Apps!!
Okay guys you made it to the end, now its the moment you have all been waiting for ... I wont keep you in any more suspense the Number 1 App ... will be revealed after these adverts.
Only kidding.
Right its the Big one !!! My Top app!!! The one app everybody in Barcelona needs !!!!

Now if you already know Spanish then this app is just completely unnecessary and perhaps you're not satisfied with my number one app of must need
Barcelona apps and if that is the case I apologisE! But to the rest of us mere mortals who can't speak Spanish that well, myself included, then this app belongs on your home screen.
This is a simple app that is free to download and use and is perfect for when you're out and about. I cannot tell you how many times I have been in a store or on the transport and this great little app has saved my ass. There is also a feature that allows you to save words or phrases you have translated as well as being able to hear it out loud so you can pronounce it properly. This app is fantastic for anybody new to Barcelona and you'd be amazed at what you can learn from this app. There's not much else I can say as the name is fairly self explanatory but guys if you're like me and new to Barcelona and really struggle to speak Spanish PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE download this app .. You will thank me one day!
So guys that was my Top 7 apps that I use on a regular basis and apps that I feel are really useful for when you are in Barcelona. I'm sure you guys have most of these but if you dont have these then just download them, they are all free on both Apple and Android. If your looking for top Android Barcelona apps then click
here ( btw you suck if you are on Android!!! ) and if you on Apple like me then click
Hope you guys benefit from these as much as I have and if you have any apps that you think are just as important in Barcelona please do comment below and let me know what else is out there.
Stay Tuned
- Hasan